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ник: Lukas Как-то так можно попробовать. От Гетца, с моими вмешательствами.
Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer) Const adhcErrDataValidation = 3317 Const adhcErrDataType = 2113 Const adhcErrDuplicateKey = 3022 Const adhcErrNullKey = 3058 Dim strMsg As String Select Case DataErr Case 3316, 2473 strMsg = "Обязательное поле " & _ "осталось незаполненным." strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & "Введите данные в поле , " & _ "или нажмите Отмена для выхода." MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, Me.Caption Response = acDataErrContinue Case adhcErrDataValidation, adhcErrDataType strMsg = "Введенное значение не соответствует " & _ "требованиям для этого поля." strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & "Введите снова, " & _ "или нажмите Отмена для выхода." MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, Me.Caption Response = acDataErrContinue Case adhcErrDuplicateKey strMsg = "You've attempted to add a record " & _ "that duplicates an existing key value." strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & "Введите снова, " & _ "или нажмите Отмена для выхода." MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, Me.Caption Response = acDataErrContinue Case adhcErrNullKey strMsg = "You've attempted to add a new " & _ "record with an empty key value." strMsg = strMsg & vbCrLf & "Please supply " & _ "a key value, or press Escape to undo your entry." MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, Me.Caption Response = acDataErrContinue Case Else ' It's an unexpected error. Let Access handle it. Response = acDataErrDisplay End Select End Sub
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