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ник: АлаяЗаря
Sub macro1() f = 2 ' объявляем начальные значение переменной s = 1 ' объявляем начальные значение переменной For a = 2 To 60000 'начало цикла по первому столбцу If Cells(a, s) = Cells(a + 1, s) Then 'проверка равенства текущей ячейки с следующей Else ' Range(Cells(f, s), Cells(a, s)).Select 'объединение выявленого диапазона ячеек Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge h = f ' For d = f To 60000 ' g = s + 1 ' If Cells(d, g) = Cells(d + 1, g) Then ' If d = a Then ' Range(Cells(h, g), Cells(d, g)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge Exit For ' Else: End If ' Else ' Range(Cells(h, g), Cells(d, g)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge k = h ' For l = h To 60000 ' n = g + 1 ' If Cells(l, n) = Cells(l + 1, n) Then ' If l = d Then ' Range(Cells(k, n), Cells(l, n)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge Exit For ' Else: End If ' Else ' Range(Cells(k, n), Cells(l, n)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge c = k ' For v = k To 60000 ' b = n + 1 ' If Cells(v, b) = Cells(v + 1, b) Then ' If v = l Then ' Range(Cells(c, b), Cells(v, b)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge Exit For ' Else: End If ' Else ' Range(Cells(c, b), Cells(v, b)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge j = c ' For q = c To 60000 ' w = b + 1 ' If Cells(q, w) = Cells(q + 1, w) Then ' If q = v Then ' Range(Cells(j, w), Cells(q, w)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge Exit For ' Else: End If ' Else ' Range(Cells(j, w), Cells(q, w)).Select ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Selection.Merge j = q + 1 ' If v + 1 = j Then Exit For ' End If ' Next q ' c = v + 1 ' If l + 1 = c Then Exit For ' End If ' Next v ' k = l + 1 ' If d + 1 = k Then Exit For ' End If ' Next l ' h = d + 1 ' If a + 1 = h Then Exit For ' End If ' Next d ' f = a + 1 ' If Cells(f, s) = 0 Then Exit For ' End If ' Next a ' End Sub '
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