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ник: silich генератор ваших данных, например
'-- Task Tabl3K Function rnd999() Randomize rnd999 = Int((999 * Rnd)) End Function Function rnd99() Randomize rnd99 = Int((99 * Rnd)) End Function Function rndAz(Optional upperbound = 254, _ Optional lowerbound = 192, _ Optional asChar As Boolean = True) Dim ir& On Error GoTo err123 Randomize ir = CInt(Math.Round((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd())) + lowerbound If asChar Then rndAz = Chr(ir) Else rndAz = CInt(ir) + lowerbound End If Exit Function err123: rndAz = "#" Exit Function End Function Function task_Tabl3k(Optional cRec& = 1, _ Optional dmode As Boolean = True) Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim i&, j&, ii&, s&, sr&, tel$, am@, note$ On Error GoTo err123 If cRec < 1 Then cRec = 1 If dmode = False Then CurrentDb.Execute "delete * from Tabl", dbFailOnError SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "заполнено: " & 0 & " из " & cRec For i = 1 To cRec tel = "(" & Format(rnd99(), "000") & ")" & Format(rnd99(), "00") & "-" & Format(rnd999(), "000") & "-" & Format(rnd999(), "000") am = rnd99() / 100 note = "" ii = CInt(Math.Round((50) * Rnd())) + 1 For j = 0 To ii s = CInt(Math.Round((ii) * Rnd())) If s = 0 Then s = 1 If j Mod s = 0 Then note = note & Chr(32) End If note = note & rndAz() Next j sr = (Math.Round((cRec - 1 + 1) * Rnd())) If sr > 0 Then If sr Mod 2 = 0 Then note = Replace(note, " ", "рег ") End If End If note = Left(LTrim(note), 255) If dmode = True Then Debug.Print "tel=" & tel, "am=" & am, "note=" & note Else CurrentDb.Execute "insert into Tabl(nomertel,summazvonka,opisanie) " & _ "values('" & tel & "'," & am & ",'" & note & "')", dbFailOnError End If SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "заполнено: " & i & " из " & cRec: DoEvents Next i Exit Function err123: MsgBox Error, , "task_Tabl3k" SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus Exit Function End Function
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